

Age structure and dynamic on Alcimandra cathcartii population in Laojunshan region of Wenshan National Nature Reserve

  • 摘要: 为探究文山国家级自然保护区老君山片区二级重点保护植物长蕊木兰Alcimandra cathcartii野外天然种群结构及发展趋势,采用样方调查法,以径级代替年龄,采用匀滑技术,编制静态生命表,绘制存活曲线及4个生存函数曲线,用时间序列模型对未来种群的发展趋势预测。结果如下。①长蕊木兰种群年龄结构呈倒“J”型,幼苗幼树个体数量较多;数量动态指数表明种群结构为增长型但呈现出不稳定状态。②存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型,各龄级死亡率相差不大。生存分析结果显示:种群数量变化有前期锐减、中期稳定、后期衰退的特点。④时间序列分析发现:未来长蕊木兰种群总体是增长的,但由于大量幼苗幼树个体死亡将导致整个种群的更新受到限制,未来种群呈衰退趋势。建议加强对幼苗幼树的抚育管理和生境的保护。


    Abstract: Taking Alcimandra cathcartii, a Class II key protected plant in Laojunshan region of Wenshan National Nature Reserve, as the research object, in order to investigate the structure and development trend of the wild natural population of Alcimandra cathcartii which is a second-class protection plant protected in Laojunshan Area of Wenshan National Nature Reserve, the sample square survey was used, we obtained the statistical results. With the diameter class instead of age, this study applied a smooth technique to compile static life table, plotted the survival curves and four survival function curves, and used a time series model to predict. The results showed as follows. the age structure of the Alcimandra cathcartii population was inverted "J" type, seedlings and young trees has the largest number of individuals, the quantitative analysis of population dynamics was repeately fluctuating,its population stability was poor. The survival curve tends to be Deevey-Ⅱ type, the mortality rate of other age groups was not different. Survival analysis showed that the population had the characteristics of sharp decline in the early stage and Invariable in the middle and late stages. Time series prediction shows that the future population of Alcimandra cathcartii will increase in the future as a whole, but due to the high mortality rate of young, the population renewal is limited and the population may also decline. It is recommended to strengthen conservation management, habitat protection.


