Status analysis of UAV in forestry based on bibliometrics
摘要: 借助文献计量方法,分析了林业无人机研究与应用的现状。通过对CNKI数据库检索出的523条题录相关文献的年度分布、文献来源、关键词等情况进行统计分析,得出自2015年以来论文数量呈显著增长趋势,其中2019年发表文献高达为154篇;该领域作者群体庞大,涉及作者1120名,第一作者464名;论文被引次数排在前10名总被引次数为655;被引次数最多的一篇论文达到了169次,该论文刊登在《西南林业大学学报》上;北京林业大学学位论文数量居首位,为27篇;在中文核心期刊中刊载论文最多的是《林业资源管理》,为14篇;关键词分析表明,无人机、应用、森林防火为研究重点。Abstract: By means of literature metrology,the paper analyzes the overall current situation in unmanned aerial vehicle in forestry.Through retrieving the CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure)523 citations were got,the annual distribution,literature sources and keywords of the relevant literature were statistically analyzed.The number of papers since 2015 has been significant in growth;in 2019 the number of literature went up to 154 involving 1120 authors with 464 as first authors.The papers in Top 10 were cited 655 times,the most cited paper reached 169 times,which was published in Journal of Southwest Forestry University.The Number of dissertations of Beijing Forestry University is 27.The Forestry Resources Management has the largest number of articles in Chinese core journals.Keywords analysis showed that UAV,application and forest fire prevention were the emphasis of the research.