Effect and development countermeasure on forestry assisting rural revitalization in Baoshan city
摘要: 云南省保山市分布着大量林地,林业不仅是乡村地区生态文明建设的主阵地,更是发展乡村经济促进农民增收致富的重要途径。但在现实发展中,林业对于乡村振兴的助力作用尚未得到充分发挥。总结了林业助力保山市乡村振兴的成效,分析其存在的不足,在此基础上,提出林业如何更好推动乡村振兴对策建议,以期为云南省实施林业助力乡村振兴提供借鉴。Abstract: Baoshan city is distributed with a large number of forest lands. Forestry is not only the main position for the construction of ecological civilization in rural areas, but also an important way to develop rural economy and promote farmers' income. However,in reality, the role of forestry in rural revitalization has not been fully played. This paper summarizes the achievements of forestry in promoting rural revitalization in Baoshan city, analyzes its shortcomings, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestion on how to better promote rural revitalization in order to provide reference for the implementation of forestry in rural revitalization in Yunnan province.