

An analysis of sustainable forest development in Mengla county

  • 摘要: 勐腊县是少数民族聚居的山区县,山区面积占全县土地面积的95.63%。20世纪80年代前,勐腊县森林资源由于受山区农民刀耕火种、乱砍滥伐和乱捕滥猎等落后的生产生活方式影响遭受到了严重破坏,境内森林面积逐步减少,生物多样性不断下降,部分物种资源处于濒危灭绝状态。1998年国家实施天然林保护工程和全面禁猎行动以来,森林资源得到了有效保护,森林植被得到休养生息,物种多样性得到了逐步恢复和发展。特别是近几年以来,西双版纳州人民政府和勐腊县人民政府制定了一系列地方性政策和法规,有效遏制了破坏森林资源的各种违法行为,使森林生态系统不断得到修复和完善,生态环境得以明显改善,森林资源得到了健康、持续发展。结合勐腊县森林资源现状、存在问题和今后管理措施等进行简要阐述。


    Abstract: With mountains covering 95.63% of its territory, Mengla county is home to several ethnic minorities.Before 1980 s, due to agricultural production, deforestation and hunting, forests in Mengla had shrunk dramatically,leading to declining biodiversity, and some species were even pushed to the edge of extinction. Thanks to the natural forest protection program and hunting ban launched in 1998, the endangered forest ecosystem was saved, and forests and biodiversity started their process of recovery. The recovery accelerated in recent years particularly, driven by a series of regional policies and regulations released by the people's governments of Xishuangbanna Prefecture and Mengla county, which effectively curbed illegal behavior that would damage forest resources, and continuously and vigorously restored the forest ecosystem. The paper profiles the current forest resources of Mengla, points out some problems, and discusses administration measures that may benefit the county.


